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 Winter 2017, ClubSport Pleasanton - Collegiate & Juniors Combined Tourney

Our first combined Collegiates and Juniors tourney was a big success!

New competition from well seasoned tourney players ...

And, the well seasoned tourney players were the top juniors, who won Women's A, Men's A, and Men's B !


Full Tourney Results

Collegiate Results

Womens 1

  1. Lizzy Steger - UC Berkeley
  2. Atalie Brown - UC Berkeley
  3. Zoe Caron - UC Berkeley
  4. Lyla Stone - UC Santa Cruz

Womens 2

  1. Mallory Potter - Sac State
  2. Mireya Mungia - UC Santa Cruz
  3. Monica Perez - Sac State
  4. Ashley Gerrity - UC Berkeley
  5. Lydia Maher - UC Berkeley

Mens 1

  1. Noah Johnson - UC Berkeley
  2. Amir Jabari - San Jose State

Mens 2

  1. Kyle Kovacs - UC Berkeley
  2. Christian Hernandez - UC Santa Cruz
  3. Shawn Van Belle - Sac State
  4. Aaron Doubek-Kraft - UC Santa Cruz
  5. Sage Pitcher - UC Santa Cruz

Mens 3

  1. Jason McCrorie - Sac State
  2. Paul Correa-Sorich - Sac State
  3. Satya Vedula (tie) - UC Berkeley
  4. Geraldine Villa (tie) - Sac State
  5. Eduardo Garcia - UC Santa Cruz
  6. Eric Reevesman - Sac State



UC Berkeley1389
Sac State 762
UC Santa Cruz 656
San Jose State 218


Thanks to Scott Cockrell and Kathleen Lu for planning and running the whole tourney!

-- John Bardos, Feb. 24, 2017

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